Miss Historic Jonesborough 2022 Jordan Bowling

Jordan Bowling is a 20 year old Junior at the University of Tennessee Knoxville studying Food Science. She is from Anderson County and is on the pre-professional/pre-medical path within her program. She will graduate in May of 2024 with plans to become a pediatrician. Jordan has been volunteering for her social impact initiative, Open Doors: Bold Enough to Knock, advocating for individuals with disabilities, for the last 9 years. She believes that each person with disabilities is unique and valuable, and has goals to spread this message across the state. Jordan is the author of a book entitled “My Friend Will” that will help her to convey her message of inclusion to younger age groups. She is a second time competitor at Miss Tennessee, and graced the stage last year as Miss Apple Festival. This year, Jordan will represent Historic Jonesborough onstage in Memphis.