Meet Elizabeth...
Title: Miss Decatur County 2020
Social Impact Statement: Confidence in our Creator
Talent: Vocal Performance
Age: 21
Hometown: Linden Tennessee
College: Freed Hardeman University
Elizabeth Ulmer, Miss Decatur County, is a senior at Freed Hardeman University double majoring in Public Relations and Photography with a minor in Business. Because of her dedication to education, she has been on the dean’s list and president’s list consecutively. She is also a member of the social club, Phi Kappa Alpha, where she has held the positions of
Community Service Director and Making Music Director. She is not only involved in her school but also the Decatur County Saddle Club. She holds multiple FFA degrees, including the state degree, american degree and more.
Elizabeth’s platform is “Confidence In Our Creator”. Confidence is something many
people struggle with each and every day. Struggling with confidence has a dramatic effect on your career, hobbies, family and friends.Elizabeth strives to make a positive impact on others regarding their confidence by posting on her blog.She regularly posts devotionals, quotes and articles regarding confidence and other aspects of life that go hand in hand with the subject. She has a dream of hosting confidence building exercises within schools, and possibly one day organizing a camp for children.
The title of Miss Decatur County gives the opportunity to reach a much larger audience to impact. Winning the title of Miss Tennessee, the audience she would reach would continue to grow and grow. She uses her crown as a microphone, by using her title as a stepping stone in reaching more people in a variety of settings. She wants to not only be a role model for the younger generation, but a leader for all.