Meet Emily...
Emily Pennington
Title: Miss Milan Crown and Scepter
Social Impact Initiative:
Embracing the Elderly
Talent: TBA
Age: 19
Hometown: McMinnville, TN
University of Tennessee at Martin
Hey there! I am Emily Pennington, Miss Milan Crown and Scepter 2020! I am a 19 year old freshman at the University of Tennessee at Martin, where I am pursing my Bachelors of Science in Nursing degree. Along with working hard to ensure my dream of being a pediatric nurse is fulfilled, I am involved in the Student Government Association, the UTM Dance Team, and Collegiate 4-H. I am extremely excited to compete for the coveted title of Miss Tennessee!
When I was 9 years old, my great grandmother had to be put in a nursing home due to her worsening health conditions. Through our weekly visits with her, I quickly noticed that many of the residents in her facility never had visitors, did not have any decorations on their walls, and were always looking for someone to sit and talk with them. After talking with my mom about how sad I was about this, I made it my mission to help put a smile on a new face each time we went to visit the nursing home! I soon became the little girl running through the halls of the home singing from room to room, listening to residents stories, and helping create decorations for their walls. 10 years later, and I am still that girl trying to make a difference where she sees a need.
Through the Miss America Organization, I have found my voice in advocating for the 65% of nursing home residents that lack adequate emotional and physically support. Through my social impact, Embracing the Elderly, I have had the opportunity to expand beyond providing just emotional support and help provide physical items to these elder orphans. As of February 2020, Embracing the Elderly has provided over 14,625 items to nursing homes across the state. These items include: body wash, shampoo, crossword puzzles, washcloths, socks, blankets, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and anything other necessary items that residents may lack. Avocation and education are key to getting these elder orphans taken care of. I will continue to embrace the elderly until the need is no longer there.
To keep up with me and my year of service, follow:
Instagram: @missmilan2020
Facebook: Miss Milan Crown and Scepter 2020, Emily Pennington